About Dealer Security

HomeAbout Dealer Security

We’ll create a solid security plan for your dealership.

Dealer Security is a managed services company primarily operating for dealerships across Canada. As specialists in automotive dealership security, we custom-tailor solutions for live security, indoor and outdoor assets, customer information, and more. Dealer Security also provides solutions for key management, which greatly reduces incidences of lost and stolen keys, vehicles, and sensitive information, while at the same time reducing the time it takes to manage or locate lost keys with an efficient and exceptionally secure management system.

About Dealer Security, Canada

Our expertise is focused on dealerships, auto malls, office buildings, and new builds. Coupled with this expertise, Dealer Security can also provide solutions for other facilities in need of asset protection, such as outdoor or indoor storage facilities or lots. With each site individually assessed, Dealer Security provides optimal solutions for our customers’ unique needs to prevent losses, lower false alarms, and track activity for anything suspicious, while providing individual updates, or police dispatch when necessary.